Binary to Hex - Lakelands Computing

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Converting Binary to Hexadecimal
Converting from Binary to Hexadecimal is easier than you might expect. The video takes you through it and there are written steps below too.
1) Write down the Binary number1010 0011
2) Split it into 2 "sections"of four numerals10100011
3) Convert those binary sections into their denary equivalent103(1*8)+(0*4)+(1*2)+(0*1) = 10
(0*8)+(0*4)+(1*2)+(1*1) =3
4) Change those Denary numbers into their Hex equivalentA3A = 10
3 = 3
5) Put the Hex numerals together to get the final answerA3
For the exam please use all the steps as there are often marks available for each step (in the same way as showing your workings in Maths gets you method marks).
All Text copyright Lakelands Academy & Mr T Purslow 2020.
All images copyright free / creative commons unless otherwise stated.
You are welcome to use under a Creative Commons Attribution-nonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
All Text copyright Lakelands Academy & Mr T Purslow 2020.  All images copyright free / creative commons unless otherwise stated. You are welcome to use under a Creative Commons Attribution-nonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
All Text copyright Lakelands Academy & Mr T Purslow 2020.  All images copyright free / creative commons unless otherwise stated. You are welcome to use under a Creative Commons Attribution-nonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
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