Glass Walls (falling) - Lakelands Computing

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Glass Walls or Letting Kodu fall off the World
To stop objects falling off the edge of the world, Kodu worlds have glass walls around them. You can’t see them but you can bounce off them.

Sometimes you want it to be possible to fall off the world, so it is possible to switch off the glass walls. This is achieved by using the world setting (last icon on the right, looks like a world with a spanner). There's lots of other things in the world settings too like lighting, strength of waters etc
All Text copyright Lakelands Academy & Mr T Purslow 2020.
All images copyright free / creative commons unless otherwise stated.
You are welcome to use under a Creative Commons Attribution-nonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
All Text copyright Lakelands Academy & Mr T Purslow 2020.  All images copyright free / creative commons unless otherwise stated. You are welcome to use under a Creative Commons Attribution-nonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
All Text copyright Lakelands Academy & Mr T Purslow 2020.  All images copyright free / creative commons unless otherwise stated. You are welcome to use under a Creative Commons Attribution-nonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
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