Shooting - Lakelands Computing

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In Kodu there are two main "weapons" - Missiles and Blips (sort of like bullets).

You can make a lot of objects shoot them - Kodu, Cycle, Submarines, Planes, Castles, Trees etc.

You can not make Rover shoot - he is an exploration robot not a warbot.

You can either have a keyboard (or mouse) control to fire the weapon, or you can have it fire when it senses an aobject near by (click here to learn how to do the sensing)
All Text copyright Lakelands Academy & Mr T Purslow 2020.
All images copyright free / creative commons unless otherwise stated.
You are welcome to use under a Creative Commons Attribution-nonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
All Text copyright Lakelands Academy & Mr T Purslow 2020.  All images copyright free / creative commons unless otherwise stated. You are welcome to use under a Creative Commons Attribution-nonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
All Text copyright Lakelands Academy & Mr T Purslow 2020.  All images copyright free / creative commons unless otherwise stated. You are welcome to use under a Creative Commons Attribution-nonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
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